Sunward electric smart excavator SWE240FED rolls off

Sunward SWE 240FED

On the morning of March 31st, 2022, the off-line ceremony of the electric intelligent excavator SWE240FED independently developed by Sunward was held in Shanhe Industrial City. The SWE240FED smart excavator, which rolled off the assembly line on the 31st, has two distinctive features: green and smart. It uses batteries instead of fuel and motors instead […]

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SUNWARD donates 15 000 masks in Europe

SUNWARD donates 15 000 masks in Europe … and way more worldwide. On May 28, 2020, Arnaud Berthier, CEO SUNWARD Europe Heavy Equipment, supported the Province of Limburg in Belgium, with the donation of 2,000 3-ply masks in a collective effort to the community where SUNWARD European Headquarter is based, reaching 15,000 masks donated in Europe. It all started with the great […]

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